Welcome to the site for the Wandering Werewolf Wire Witch, I started this journey at 6 years old with my first wire jewelry class. It was challenging, but I loved it, so I continued to practice throughout my life. Working with wire started with jewelry, but as I grew, I wanted something more. Wire sculpture work came naturally and I discovered my love for making mythical creatures, particularly dragons. Going from aluminum wire to twist ties, I eventually discovered a love for copper wire, and not just any copper wire, reclaimed copper wire. 

Growing as an artist and a witch, I combined the two with ideas from  metaphysical communities, without which I would nowhere. After years of sculpture work, some suggested I wire wrap gemstones, and to my surprise, the years of sculpture work had strengthened my hands. I was able to make a simple wrap to almost any gem within 10 minutes, much to the delight of myself and my community. 
The next step in my witch(craft) was  when I got an order for a small copper wire dragon...with black tourmaline wings. It was a major turning point for both my art and my witchcraft. This opened a lot of possibilities for me, including the development of my metaphysical machines and a wide variety of witchcraft tools. I hope to continue to practice my witch(crafting) online for anyone who it calls out with premade items and custom designs. So please feel free to look around, I hope you enjoy your stay with the wandering werewolf wire witch!

Thank you for your donation, your patronage allows me to create more for y'all to enjoy!!